Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to me~

10 Sept.....
My birthday~
Big 1 year dy.....not old 1 year ..ok?!
Hahaa.......this present giv by ching,wei,mao,karyee n hui yee.
the greeting card......

this 1 is gif from k3xin de......
parents giv d ang pau

My birthday cake.....

Monday, September 7, 2009


Tagged by Lui Ching, Grace n Karmen

01. Woan Wei
02. Pou Yi
03. Hui Yee
04. Mei Yuan
05. Chew Teng
06. Yan Jiet

01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]:: 认识
02-[ 5号是男还是女? ]:: 女
03-[ 1号的兴趣是? ]:: 玩电脑, 看书
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]:: 有
05-[ 3号姓氏? ]::
06-[ 2号人缘好吗? ]:: 好呱
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]::有~~
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]:: .......
09-[ 3号喜欢的颜色是? ]:: 不确定
10-[ 3号和4号是朋友吗? ]::是
11-[ 1号的生日是? ]:: 2月6日
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]:: 白水学校
13-[ 你怎么认识3号的? ]:: 同班同学
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]:: 7个月
15-[ 你和4号有出去玩过吗? ]:: 没有
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]:: 还好
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]:: .....
18-[ 你覺得1號的人怎樣?]:: 很聪明
19-[ 你觉得4号人怎么样? ]:: 好
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]:: 嗯

1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: Lui Ching, Grace n Karmen
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 1年多
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: 当然
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: 好朋友
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何:: 很开朗,随和
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是::嗯......
7. 他(她)在你心目中是几分:: 嗯,100分

海边游玩问題篇問 :

問 : 去海边玩 看到比基尼辣妹 会
答 : O.o

問 : 当你在更衣室沖凉 门忽然被打开了 你会
答 : 吓到,马上关门

問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会
答 : 哈哈

問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : -

問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : 不会吧.....

問 : 会用防晒乳吗?
答 : 会

問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : 玩水和放松的地方

問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 会~

問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : 当然

問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : Karmen n Grace 咯

問 : 有人说我该減肥了 你会
答 : support...

問 : 自恋 適合你吗
答 : 蛮适合

* 你常笑嗎::

* 你喜欢去哪兒玩::

* 去玩时喜欢一个人去吗::

* 如是假日时你都睡到几点::

* 今天的天气如何::

* 朋友和情人你会选择::

* 机会和命运你会选择::

* 你很自恋吗::

* 你有穿过耳洞::

* 你交过几个男(女)朋友::

Trip to Pulau Ketam......

At the scl holidays 29/8 n 30/9 i had go to the Pulau ketam....
The first day......
we stopped at the 巴生 having the bak kut teh........ After having.....v go to the temple .....
this is pou yi n me at the temple.....
after that ....v go to the snake temple......
=.=" din hav any snake also...the 观音 wif the bamboo....this photo all take at the temple ther 1....
after that v go to the perlabuhan klang....
at ther take the feri to the Pulau ketam....
1 hour ago......
reached......This is the perlabuhan pulau ketam......
after that v stay at hotel sea lion.....

at ther nth to ply de....
bring u go temple or buy thing....
at ther only eat....
sea food....
lunch is seafood...
dinner is seafoood stimbot......
the next day ....v go the 养渔场

the fish ther quite big....
is drop down i also dunno wat wil happen....
walk at ther is scary~
after v go to the KlCC....
then dinner having at bukit tinggi

at this trip i saw my primary sclmate.....
soo mun.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Open day.....

Library closed for 4 days....
Staying at kantin....
Opps....forget cut my fingernail....
lol...get write the name dy....
After that....
Fei fa period lo....
giv a exercise book and a paper....
do revision chapter 7...
finally 2.30.....
finish her period...
start bincangan between parents and teacher...
damn slow de...
my mom 2.45pm came....
waiting.........3.40 reached
teacher juz say...."没什么大问题"
then write name n sign then can go dy....
1 min only .....
get 8th/41 in cls......

Monday, June 15, 2009

Half Year of 2009

It already the Half Year of 2009
Today is the Half Month is June

Finish holiday........
finish playing.....
finish lazy.......
Start scl.....
Start tuition....
Many work......
Giv back exam marks......
Do correction.......
giv back 4 sub.....
1A 2B 1C in this moment.....
Tmr dunno is wil chg until hw.....
giving many homework.....
do it after finish bloging....
st. john passed.....
not so happy then i thinking....
but stil ok la........
almost all passed.....
Dunno y ....
My com alwaz going auto shut down.....
Any problem ther?
So ......
Going to repair it....
If not.....
hard to do thing....
listen song.....
ply restaurant city.....
dl movie....
so on......

Saturday, June 13, 2009


My KL trip is from 6/6 until 11/6......

6/6 SAT
7.30am go fetch my biao di go kl....
10.15 like that reached ....
the night go korea restaurant having dinner.....
then go the market buy some

7/6 SUN
Morning slp until 9am then prepare...
wait my cousin wake up then go sunway....
10.30am only start to go...
dunno wat time reached dy....
then my cousin wan ply the ice skating...
i saw the ice skating like very hard ler...
a few ppl drop down ....
hard to wake up also....
so sked sked.....
juz saw my 2 cousin ply ny...
next time wait them pro jor only teach me la...
hahaazz :p....

8/6 MON
Juz ....
ply com game....
watch tv....
actually say dy wan go gym de....
but every1 like not free.....

9/6 TUE
Also play com game....
watch tv....
my cousin got go swimming n ply snooker.....
But i dunwan la...
the swimming pool...
feel abit not clean de....
the snooker....
that place like very rumit de ler.....
so i din go ....
stay at house....
night ply mahjung...

10/6 WED
This day.....i feel it is the last day in kl.....
but my bro say wan go buy ticket back kuantan this friday....
so my mum say wait him ...
we thursday back n he ponteng 1 day lo....
The domino piza is more nice n good taste than the piza hut.....
delivery fast ....
30min sure deliver come....
if not wil giv us coupon....
so very less wil late de....

11/6 THU
Wan back dy....
11am fetch my bro go scl...
then mom n me go jusco buy smth.....
lamb chop...
cheese hot dog....
roast chicken....
rocky biskuit stick.....
n also a use solar de cutie thing...
After that....6pm start back to kuantan....

Monday, June 8, 2009


Tuesday n Wednesday....
this 2 day also go grandma's house.....
coz my auntie back jor....
got go megamall....
go popular c some book.....
wednesday....they back
fetch them go airport.....
and then byebye....
morning wake up then having breakfast....
12pm go sendo nonya having lunch wif mom ...
then go mom's office....
coz later 3pm nid go ttn....
so i go my mom's office wait 1st....
after the bored ttn.....
yj's mummy fetch me back to her saloon shop....
wait for my mom come to fetch....
yj take a book and then c the name....
abit like 算命.... name...bad...

this 1st week of holiday....
this is the 1st day i stay at home whole afternoon....
morning n night ttn......damn sienz ....
coz after exam + holiday no mood study dy.....
after ttn ...
gonna prepare the cloth for going kl de...
tmr my mom drive o...
1st time...gambateh~
dun feel sleepy o....
everytime is my dad drive de...
this time let my mom try drive to kl....
then next time she 1 person also can drive to kl see my bro =D.......

This week after i back to kuantan
i wil post my "KL Trips"
waiting o~€

Monday, June 1, 2009

Auntie back from singapore.....

the holiday is started......
i hope it is a nice holiday n not a bored....
Wish Happy Happy n Happy....

30/5 Saturday .....
morning 8.30am go scl library to gotong royong....
12.30 like that finish.....
my auntie n her family back from singapore.....
my cute baby cousin is back....
Having dinner with whole family....
=.=" 21 ppl......

31/5 Sunday.....
morning go PBA lo...
huizhi cant call her....
dunno she go wher dy....
no tel me also....
send many sms no reply...
so go alone....
after that, afternoon....
actually wan find my cousin go cherating de....
the baby cousin wan slp wor....
so i n papa n mummy go only...
Going the half way....
my aunt call ....
ask wan go haytt ther play "zuo qiu"
i also going until half lo....
so....din go la....
at night 9pm go grandma house....
ply basketball.....
4 ppl.....yang, 2 biao jie n me....

1/6 Monday....
Ltr 6pm my uncle n big biao jie go back sg......
my auntie , my 2nd biao jie n my cutie biao di left here until wednesday
ltr 12pm++ go grandma house....then mummy go hotel fetch them....
write until here 1st....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

22/ 23 /24 - 5 -2009

12 pm got training for st john .....
wear pj shirt....train transportation....
train until 1.30 like that.....
1pm got math cls....
Miss wong say if got any question can ask her....
but i din go.....
then exam P.Seni....
draw the corak tumbuh tumbuhan.....
Use G2....hahazz....
but juz use abit bit la....
no nid colour ma....~
the Moral....quite easy....
giv 1 HOUR 30 MIN
no nid so long times gua....
we all only nid 1 hour enuf....
the 30min sienz!

7.30 like that go scl....
then go kantin 7.45....
then alih group lo....
mao ,pou yi n wei also group 1....
me n kah yee group 2.....
after that go cls practice....
group 1+ 2.....stil the same....
Do the CPR.....
the little anne problem?
sad man......
but ltr we use another little anne can la...
after that got train Stretchers......4ppl + 1 patient....
Walao....quite hard man.....

practical exam.......
7.20 reach scl....
8.00 like that Dr .hew reached....
more awhile start CPR.......
lucky i not the 1st of the group 1......
i think i no.22 la....
1 times 4 ppl......
4 ppl-me, ....(duno wat name...form 1 girl...), shun gan, su yee
the heartbeating faster.....
after go in.....the Dr hew...stil got joking....
we only no so sked la....
Finish CPR......wait wait wait.....
only choking n recovery position....pairs wif shun gan....
bandage....pairs wif hui zhi.....
5 min 3 part....=.=
giv so many times......
transportation ....pair wif jasmine, shun gan n the form 1 girl....
11++am.....Senior say some ppl the CPR get P then nid reexam the CPR...
i n mao n jasmine CPR ok.....
pou yi ,woan wei, yin yin......nid reexam....
we ok de sit at the pondok.....then awhile....
the pou yi crying come....
wah.....wat thing o?
she say she get the problem little anne....
hard to blow....
12++pm back.....
then bloging....hahazz
ltr slp 1st only study or study 1st only slp dunno la...
havent start!my SJ cant failed!!!!!!
i going to "lin shi bao fo jiao....."
coz last time i got study but the result not good....
so this times slow slow come.......

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Last saturday morning.....
st john theory exam.....
same with last year....=.=
at night .....
go PBA......
perform wif hui zhi n xin yi....
dunno y the micro sound so small...
sing jor only can hear can alittle sound....
nvm la...the sound not nid so loudly de...
after perform finish....lucky teacher say good ....
Kjj n Liow maomao also got perform at ther......
i think stil ok bah...dunno la....
after that n hui zhi very free.....
so we go say liow mao mao n mok....wakakak...
liow like very like the children .....
then hui zhi ask him wan a group of children...
then he very shy jor...hahazz...
that was funny....

this week is quite busy de....
the teacher giv more exercise....
some of them is tips bah.... : x
MATH.....!!!!Miss Wong~!!!
ytd only start to teach chapter 6....
if i din ttn o....i dun understand wat her say de lo....
ytd use 15min teach chapter 6 then cal us do almost finish the chapter exercise....
sometimes really not understand wat her teach....

i tel u all a secret la...
i havent start do revision >.<

Monday, May 4, 2009


Today ......
Go scl.....
Saw PPS sesi pagi berkumpul di library......
Pn. Yap is talking about the markah demrit .....
i saw the paper...the higher markah demerit is lin soon pin....

Wtf.....y the calon alwaz cant 到齐1!!!
The malay hor....yor!
the "gap mai" or 无缘 a??
The malay guy come then malay gurl din come....
Last week malay guy come this week he din come...
last week malay gurl din come this week she come...
Not only this 2 contiune a few week like this.....
the reason is....sakit perut....sakit...ada
got penyakit anot i dunno la...the malay gurl say de...

When the sesi pagi recess time....
many pupils come....sure many very noisy de lo....
MALAY....i very good d tel them sila rendahkan suara....
then ther bu shuang then scold me....
then they sengaja make more noisy ....
so i n lui ching also scold them.....
pangggil mrk jika tak mau baca surat khabar atau tak mau senyap si keluar....
then hav 1 of them....walk to the door a...then walk back ....LOL
read the surat khabar again....zha dao...
Contiune noisy.....scold them "Sila Keluar !!"
Walao....long time din scold ppl liao....
Feel very shuang ....haha ....
is me 变态? kakazz.....
but also feel very hungry jor...=.="

你说的话 我都相信
说得好听 说得甜蜜
你说的每一句 我都相信
为了爱情 失了聪明
听你的话 闭上眼睛
这个梦多美丽 让它继续
我却爱得太用力 (我却没那么聪明)
然后静静 静静 是再也不去理

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today go PBA....
hui zhi say 9.30 or bfore that reach my house....
but 9.45 i wan go jor....she only reach....=.=
go hui zhi ask can register anot....
then saw .....liow maomao...edward...fei kong...kar lok....
They choose "Kiss GoodBye" to perform......
lol....they train lo...then ask to perform in front ther....
Juz can heard the sound from guitar n no sound from their mouth...
blur blur sound....=.="
After finish ...go out to train wif my fren....
Long time din touch it....this few dy nid gambateh jor...
Xiu fen ask me choose a song to perform....
walao....sure i dun wan solo lo....
i think if perform i sure wil find a fren ....
but i dunno nid choose wat song lo...
Can dun wan?hahazz.......
juz left 2 week!!!!>.<

Thursday, April 23, 2009


April test is it easy??
y so many ppl get
6A....5A ....4A .....3A

ther r pro man....
or i m a noob guy...

me juz get 2A...4B...2C...
i think my BM n SN can get A ler...
but juz a B.....its really a bad result in my cls...

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Wed n thursday this 2 day exam~
1 day 4 sub...oh>.<

Wed whole day also cold n rain1!
that was so unlucky la....

i use my morning slping time to hafal my persoalan ler...
why cancel it???
only the ringkasan n karangan ler...
how to giv marks?
my karangan so "lan" sure cham de lo...
ringkasan stil ok...juz the pemahaman abit not confirm the ans...
i sit at the coridor ther taking exam ma....
the rain was make my exam paper n OMR paper wet jor...
until very very big wind n big rain teacher only giv us go in cls o...
my shirt wet jor + big wind....
walao....go cold man.....
go in the cls....
only can take the chair ...
juz a chair ....
i think my sejarah will very low marks ler..
at the cold n wet ....i no mood to do the sejarah lo...

Today a....stil ok la....
everything is ok...
coz i sit in cls....
although it no rain...
today i feel the time ....
is move faster....
exam is over....
hope everything also over....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Din go scl...

Haizzz...this 2 days din go scl a...!!!
flu...~!!!n abit sick lo.....

i think is stay at scl too long time jor...
too tired n very hot at the dewan...
stay at home.... ghost tv....on9...
waste time...waste my study time...
if i tmr stil din go scl...
i think i wil be a lazy pig...haha
so tmr muz go scl jor....
if not......many homework cant chase back la...
today got kh ler....kerja khusus....
dunno hw ler...nid find a time go do lo....
if nt....i wil slow down jor...
next week exam ler...
exam again=.=
so fast o...everything is going so fast....
this saturday got scl a...
dunno is replace which day de ler....

Sunday that day had happened something at scl...
i think 2C n 2J quite many ppl knw bah.....
Actually not serious 1...juz feel funny....hahaazz

Happy Birthday ,Kexin~

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kerja Khusus...

today period KH, my cls do kerja khusus.....
cut the wood to do .....bekas alat tulis...
use the gergaji to cut o....
cut so long time also cant pisah it.... hand so hurt ler...
the wood nid cut the 4 part....
use about 45 min...
me only can 3 part...
almost all boy n hui yee also finish 4 part...
haizz!!!my hand nw still 抖when using energy....
hav 1 piece of wood...cut until senget jor....
muz get potong markah dy....!!>.<
sad la...tmr til contiune my cutting....
hope my hand get more energy to finish the kerja khusus....~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Say about the 1 week holiday la...
that was a damn boring holiday!!
me stay at home ....
coz no ppl ajak ma...:p
luckily tuesday got go play badminton...
no so sienz.....
that was very happi to ply wif them.....
Contiune of the day.....
i dl some movie n drama to watch....
friday ...kx find me to cycle....
sry ya...night wan tuition...
saturday....haha...dun wan say dy la...
my holiday only like that ...
although stay at home is sienz...
but i stil like it....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hot~~~!!! period BI...
the bell ring n ring n ring......
i think was chg period....
but after i heard the 2nd times
then i knw that was "kebakaran"......
the pupil all slow slow de....
some ppl drink water or keep thing only go to the padang.....
go to the padang......
but dunno wan beratur at wher....
here n ther.....go here go ther....
lol....5.40pm like that.....
y the sun so ...........!~!!
so hot ler...>.<>
dun say me like that pls...
i dunno y i can get no 1 de lo....

if u study at J cls....u wil knw.....
hw worse r J cls...hahazz
but dun pei si me la...
Wei , dun say me like that a!!!
i think u get no1 b4 bah....
tadika?primary scl? secondary scl?

Monday, March 9, 2009


yesterday afternoon 3.30pm like that go kl lo...
about 6.25pm reach....
coz at the highway ther got acident....
so quite sesak de....
saw ambulance....police car....
after reach ther....v go korea restaurant having dinner...(opposite ampang point ther)
Mummmy....~the pork....hahazz
finish dinner about 8pm....
v go platinium(my big biao ge, smal biao ge n my gor gor also live ther....)
ther near the Collage n Universiti......
so we go ther stay a night....
After bathing....then watch tv lo...
9.30pm the tv show at tv8 very funny ler....
but juz me 1 person sit at the sofa n c =.=
dad too tired go slp lo....
mom also busy la...keep this keep that mop floor....
my gor lo....
my biao ge same same
About 10pm like that.....i watch the badminton competition ler...
Lee chungwei VS Lin dan....
if no wrong is 19比21 ,12比21
Haizz....Lee chung wei lose dy....sad....
After that nth to do dy...reading book....
Until 11.30++ like that bah....
My big biao ge 's gf ask me wan 洗脸 n do mask ant..
i say ok lo...Her 美容课程毕业 dy.....
help me 按摩 my face =X Thank You o...
about 3am like that only slp...

Today 9.30 like that wake up bah...
wake up drink some water then go to the sofa slp again....
then my mom ask me wan go having breakfast ma...
i dun wan la...
then mom say no pocket so she din bring the hp out lo...
she put at the table....i dun peduli her la...
then contiune my slp...hahazz
Suddenly the hp ring o...aihzz.....
i knw i muz hear de lo....
then i saw is my aunty ok la...
if someone i dunno de
i will try dun hear it...let it ring...hahazz
slp again...hahazz...i think is awhile only gua...
dunno mom back jor cal me having breakfast....
Chapati....india food....
After that go c newspaper.....
then damn boring de...
Until lunch time , then go out for lunch lo...
About 2.45pm like that back platinium...
keep all the thing bak kuantan....
3.30pm back also....hahazz

Saturday, March 7, 2009


today 7.15am like that wake up....
then 7.35 like that go scl coz got aktiviti st john....
reach ther about 7.45++ gua....
coz they kumpul at gazebo dy....
i stil walk at padang...=.=
u knw de john is very disiplin de...
i sked late jor ...
then i walk faster to put bag at tepian ilmu
then kumpul at gazebo.....
i stand at ther jor....stil gt many ppl only coming... quite good ler...teach theory....
although got abit boring....but stil nid ty the senior...

tomorrow afternoon go kl lo...
fetch gor gor back kl....haizz....
today i think is like this berlalu lo...
Except read book also read book...
coz i dun wan do homework...kakazz...

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Result...

My result....write out got abit paiseh ler...
coz ww 4A4B also poor .....

BM 65 B
BC 58 C
BI 70 B
SN 72 B
MM 95 A
SJ 72 B
Geo 84 A
KH 80 A

3A 4B 1C
dun laugh me o....hahazz

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Walao...rain from moring until evening....
The feel is very nice...cold cold de...hahazz
i like it...
Today,english teacher tel us about the BI marks again.....
last time not say 73 marks de meh??
y this time change to 70 jor de??
hahazz...same ny...stil is B
but someone who get 80m de they kesian lo...
hahazz....lost a A jor...
Get Sn jor lo...hehezz...
not bad ....but also not good...=.=
72+2m of mahjong paper de.......
so ok la...
Kar Yee good ler...get 86m...
pro really is pro la...
We(me .hui yee , kar yee n wei wei n mao mao mui)say dy...
who get A in Sn de....
Giv 6 sweet lame hor??
V playful nia....actually v think the wei wei can get A geh....
aihzz....abit kecewa lo....
But stil gt kar yee get A ler...haha
Waiting for tomorrow......
The last subject...BM....waiting teacher~~~
Giv me a good result a...
no A nvm giv me B enuf ler....

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today Hari sure go lo(go play)....hahazz
About 7am like that reach scl...then wait wei wei , yin yin , pou yi n mei fern....
Mei fern....i wait her at bus stop until 7.15 like that then i go in lo...
when i saw her is about 9am bah....i ask her wat time come lo...
yor...she slp late jor....8am like that only reach scl....
Lucky i din wait her until her come ....=X
9.30 like that me , hui zhi n mei fern go out eat breakfast lo...
After that v go 小精灵.....
11.15 like that i go mei fern's house....
Cause 12pm i play badminton wif mei fern n hui zhi at teo .....
Cause jessie dun wan 1 VS 2
Mei Fern Vs me n Hui zhi....
Dunno is mei fern pro or me n hui zhi noob....hahazzz
After finish....i go home n bath...then slp lo....
Long time din play badminton jor...muscle....pain>.<

Friday, February 27, 2009

-non tittle-

today giv back BC n Kh jor lo...
BC....haizz.....get C a....but i stil can accept la...58marks...
Kh get A hahazz.....80markz.....gam gam hou o....
if the ans got any changing then i cham liao lo??

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finish Exam....

2 day exam finish....
Although that only a small exam....
But stil gt abit tekanan ma.....
Get last or failed then no good lo....
So the 2 day fast fast read the book n rmb it...=X
My brain working working n also working.....
After exam , really tired .....hahazz.....
Today giv back a few subject's exam paper jor lo..
Teacher tel the Sj , Geo , BI n Mate 's score dy....
not bad.....n also not good...hahazz...
4 subject 2 B 2 A......
Kh n SN i think nid wait next week la...
The BC n the BM i think tmr can knw the marks lo...
No get gred C pls......

Friday, February 20, 2009


Happy Birthday, Mummy~~~!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lucky or unlucky ler...

aiyoo.... y today wil flu penilaian ler...
today very tired about the flu....!!!
hate it la...i think wan sick jor lo....but havent demam la...hahazz
today rest time penilaian o....
evertything is ok la...
the ajk tugas not bad also...
when susun book ...feel abit sked ler.....
lucky din wrong lo....
wrong jor nid kena markah de ler....
yesterday the yan yan , hui yee n zhe hang all correct so......
sure gt abit tekanan de ma....
the perkidmatan got pinjamin khas, pinjamam radio n P&P lo...
i feel i do the pinjaman khas got abit slow ler.....
Dunno when nid got the process buku ler...??
this friday or....when ler??
Juz left the process buku....
Next week 25 n 26 exam.....but havent start to do revision o... lazy n also many homework ler....
Later i think do abit important homework 1st....then go slp lo.....
next morning only contiune bah...
Frenzs..hope me din flu tmr a...tyty....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Change dy....

oh...the jadual penilaian got abit change o...
bcoz the monday got too many put some to the friday....
wei wei, kar yee , lui ching change to friday
me stil tuesday nia...
ajk ajk bertugas at tuesday is tan chee hou(ketua harian selasa ), hui wey n sung lin....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Penilaian..... week penilaian PPS a...
got test senarai buku , perkhimatan kaunter dan proses buku...
Last year got latihan proses buku....
but i forget jor...>.<
so long time memory not so good o....
Haizz....cuba cuba n c c la...i wil try my best d....
Haha....y wei wei, yan yan ,lui , hui yee n.....dunno la...
y ther all take the penilaian PPS at monday de???!!!
me Tuesday o....but gt ying hui la...hehezz....n p zai n foo weng shen.....
i hope can change to wednesday ler....=X...cause yi hooi wednesday o....
but nvm la...berdikari abit la...

At here, i wan to hope ....
ALL my PPS frenz can correct all in the penilaian~

Saturday, February 7, 2009


juz nw 5.45 like that cycle wif kexin n pang pang.... big wind hard cycle....very slow.....>.<

awhile got sun awhile big
v cycle round the pang pang house....
v saw got a few children is plying the badminton ther....
so v go through ther....
kexin ask them wan sweet anot....
they sure wan lo...
ther hav about 6 children....
but kexin only hav 2 sweet nia..
2 sweet sweet sure dun enuf the children 1 ma...
Then they chase us o....
yor....v cycle sure win the run 1 ma although they run very fast.....
After that pang pang say her house stil got sweet o....then she take for us lo....
then v go again the children ther....c they stil ther anot lo....
Got a red colour shirt de boy quite danger de "niu" a....
v go ther try to do santa ...wakaka....they saw us then chase o....
Ltr they pokai o?hahazz...
But lucky...nth happen to them....
Actually v 1 go jia yee house de....but her phone din open o....
then suan la...go the playground ply 秋千.....
sit ther n the wind come through....sit about 5min ther....
the wind blow the pang pang 's cap drop floor o....LOL
Then ......v saw u the opposite 2 gurl gurl wan ply o...
then v.......sit more awhile then go lo...
Coz 6.30pm kexin wan back home n ltr wan go for dinner jor...

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today BM teacher say got oral test ...the tajuk is in the komsas v nid read all the thing in the komsas...when teacher talking about this...the cls is silent marks gt add in PMR ler....ful marks is 30....if come out cant say anything then is 1~8 marks...teacher ask us last year gt test b4....we all pusing kepala....>.<......after tht 2 Bm period is BI ....after i check....i cant found my english 1....i i think i left at home jor...lucky yesterday teacher say bring liteture many frenz also din bring.....after that math period....hate la....the teacher alwaz teach wrong or not then is do wrong...!!!!!!!!wth nw also confused wat her teacher jor.....haizzz....suan liao la...better learn from ttn fren reali talkactive a....mouth wont tired 1 a?!!!talk is no wrong but....can dun talk n laugh so loud?
Make today late back home about 10min ..... tmr nid pass up the math ...the math nid do the correction n 6page of homework.....haizzz.....
tmr i think i dun wan go sukan aktiviti ....coz all my fren din go ler...if i go i go ttn la...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Morning 10.30 after Mr. Kew ther tuition....waiting car ....deng la...hav a car no ppl de...stay at the centre of the road o....many car hon...10.40 the car driver only move the car go...reali zuo ji di kao jun....
hehezz....finally found Pn Ooi jor...take the money n giv Pn Yap jor lo...luckily gao tim jor.....
Today anything is stil ok la....nothing special nothing to write dy...hehezz...

Monday, February 2, 2009

After Chinese New Year Holiday......

Back to scl nid tugas o~7.30 wake up...>.<
So cold~~~Walau... i think today tugas de calon only hav 3 ppl come ler....
怎知道 3 MALAY also got come o......zha dao....zhen hai so heng a....i think they dun wan do calon lliao de ler....

The malays is stil ok la....n the cina boy got abit beh shuang like that when call him do smth(dunno la...that my feeling only...)....the 2 girls ok also lo....
Dunno is they lazy in susun buku or sienz already or tired ....they not keng gai with fren then sit at sofa....or not then stay outside the library door ther.....The Malay girl wan marker pen lo...then i giv her ....after that c her write at 1 paper....then i ask her is that teacher cal her write 1...she say no la...then i wan c lo...she dun giv...i try to rampas...hehezzz....c she write...amaran kedua jika bising lagi sila keluar eye c a....
My pps fren say the sifat sifat calon Isnin not good wor...dunno la>.<.....
Use new jadual jor....sivik n pj teacher not same only i think.....
Today find Pn Ooi....go bilik pengawas 4 times jor....
din c Pn Ooi also...haizzz!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Yesterday.......about 1pm like that went to wee kar house....
Kexin , aw aw n yan yan also came my house n then we go wee kar house together~
Reach ther then c Mei Yuan n a frenz (forget wat name jor...paiseh a...) came dy....
After that the 3 boys (yao choon, benz n shi hao)were came....
Then, v ply poker kad lo....hehezz....
wee kar 做庄 dim lo....her tabung de many wan finish jor lo...but she feel hapi also...

1庄 8 player ....yan yan n aw aw not so pandai ply i help help them=X(actually me self also not so pandai de...)...kakazz
me ,yan yan n aw aw also got win 4 ringgit like that....
the nike zai very popular ler...wee kar de aunt wan her daughter kahwin wif the nike zai...(joke nia)
the baby girl i think 6 years old bah....wee kar call her go nike zai then she go o...(bao 1 times 1 nike shoes??) lol....

lol....the nike zai sked jor....c the baby girl then run... the girl cute la.... n the nike zai always say i hav a gf at sentul o...
about 5pm the 3 boy all back.....v all girl ply the 盖棉胎....
Cuti sekolah ppl cut xin de nails alwaz hurt me>.<
about 6pm all back home lo~me n kexin walk back home together lo...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Every year de 年初三 my family must back go kampung--sungai lembing.
Today very sienz a....nothing to do.....
whole day not watch tv then komputer....
not komputer then book....not book then eat n slp....=X
so kesian la...
finally wait until my mom back from office....
v only balik kampung~5.30 like that go .....about 45min then can reach jor..
reach dy then received angpaw n having dinner then keng gai...
my uncle got open restaurant at he cook de food very nice!!
at ther hear dad n mom keng mood ler...
about 8.30 then back liao....

Monday, January 26, 2009

1st day of Niu Year~

Today r 1st day of Niu year~~~
Morning 9.30 like that wake up.....
After cuci muka dan gosok gigi.....
my Neighbours come "bai nian" fast....
i faster go change a cloth n take Angpau~~wakaakaka.....
Today "nian chu yi " nid make pretty pretty.....n ban leng leng...^^
11am like that then go granddad n grandmom house.....
go ther eat some thing n take angpaw....hehezzz
then go play poker kad wif cousin....juz ply nia...
no judi de....guai guai 1....hahazz
ply until sienz jor then c cousin ply tv ....n many many thing .....(coz boring)
until 3.30 like that my bro go fetch gf to grandmom house

Memperkenalkan gf to my cousin .....i follow my bro go also...
gf's de sis also folow come take angpaw.....very lenglui de wor...hahazzz=X
v 4 ppl talk talk talk ... play play play ...joke joke joke lo....
about 6.30++ like that ther back lo...
after tat v back grandmom house having dinner before bak house.....
walao....whole day ply ply ply talk talk....tired ler...nid fast fast go slp lo...

Saturday, January 24, 2009


开学了三个星期..... 终于期待到一个1星期的农历新年假期....Wakaka!!
实在太高兴了(coz got holiday la).......
Today, gor gor take 2pm de bus take to Kuantan lo~ i think 6pm can reach bah.... Left 2 day then Chinese New YeaR lo....
Fast fast until 初一 la....!!!
Happy~ so nid fast fast finish my homework lo....
if not during CNY havent finish homework....
bu Shuang la~~

So tired

walao....yesterday really beh da han liao a...
morning 7.20 like that wake n 7.50 like that go scl
after finish ,yan yan,aw aw.n yi hui curi curi go library
reach ther then c the kuek n chung wei also at ther jor wor...
we at sofa ther keng kai....the cikgu ask us is sesi wat de...
we say is sesi petang de o...
i saw the teacher wan marah us liao lo....
she ask we r the aktiviti sukan ther come de ma...
the kuek quickly say we is tugas here de....
zha dao....tugas also sit at sofa meh?lol...
after that ...yi hui cal me teman her go find teacher for the pinjaman khas...
then aw n yan go take beg come library lo...
after 10min ++ bah....saw many ppl berkumpul under the tree...
we sked got "dian ming" so quick so down lo....
cheh....say pretasi lelaki good only n juz say after CNY de friday nid come scl again....
then finish lo....
aw aw n yan yan go back home lo...i stil dun wan 1st....only 9.20 like that nia...
so early go bak home ...sienz sienz de ma...
yi hui also havent wan go back she teman me go library sit lo...
the kuek say his "6th feel" very strong wor....
zha dao....he giv us ply 2 type de....i think he better go learn magic la...
10am like that ... me n yihui also cal mom to fetch ....
havent walk until the bus stop ther...yihui de mom also come liao...
y so fast de..let me alone at the bus stop...i feel abit hungry so i buy the watermelon to eat
yihui so gd ler....stil wil ask me bak jor mei?
bak home bath n eat lunch then 11.50 like that go scl lo....
weiwei havent come at ther nth to do ...
i heard ther say the st john meeting at 3J ...
after that say change jor go
juz go ther sing sing nia...
12.15~1.15 like that then finish jor lo.....
actually wan go one stop de....but 1pm ++ dy
so at library keng kai lo...
after back home....already 7.05pm....quickly go bath n having lunch den go tuition lo....
10pm finish then bak home ply msn.....
12++ only slp.... tired stil wan watch tv =X

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Haizz...first week monday for calon training
6calon 3 malay n 3 cina......
juz 2 calon cina came n 1 calon go for pingpong competition.....
3malay guys ler?y din came de??
the 2 calon who came to duty is a boy n a girl...
the boy is quite ok him do wat then do wat....
the girl is so cute o....but late for duty lor...wan test her to susun buku...
so i take 1 book for her lo....giv book her then she go ply 捉迷藏 a......
i think she cute bah so my pps fren quite like her de ....

1st time make blog

harlo~welcome to my world ....hehezz..giv some comments ya...